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USB HID Attacks Overview

USB Human Interface Device (HID) attacks involve the exploitation of the USB protocol and the capabilities of HID devices to compromise a system's security. Here are some types of USB HID attacks:

1. Keyboard Emulation Attacks:

- Keystroke Injection: An attacker uses a specially crafted USB device (often disguised as a keyboard) to inject malicious keystrokes into a target system. This can be used to execute commands, download malware, or perform other malicious actions.

- Rubber Ducky Attack: The USB Rubber Ducky is a popular tool for performing keystroke injection attacks. It emulates a keyboard and can be programmed to execute pre-defined payloads.

2. Mouse Emulation Attacks:

- Mouse Jacking: Attackers use a malicious USB device to inject mouse movements and clicks into a target system. This can be used to perform unauthorized actions or manipulate the target's interface.

3. Device Spoofing:

- HID Device Spoofing: An attacker spoofs a legitimate HID device (such as a keyboard or mouse) to gain unauthorized access to a system. This can involve mimicking the behavior of a trusted device to avoid detection.

4. Malicious Firmware:

- BadUSB Attack: The BadUSB attack involves reprogramming the firmware of a USB device to make it behave maliciously. This can allow the attacker to emulate different types of devices and perform various malicious actions.

5. Data Exfiltration:

- USBExfiltration: Attackers can use USB devices to exfiltrate sensitive data from a system. For example, a compromised USB device might copy files from the target system when connected.

6. Power Surge Attacks:

- USB Killer: USB Killer is a malicious USB device that can rapidly charge and discharge capacitors, delivering a power surge to the USB port. This surge can damage the connected hardware, rendering it unusable.

7. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks:

- USB MITM Attacks: In a USB Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack, an attacker intercepts and modifies USB traffic between a device and a computer. This can be used to manipulate data or inject malicious payloads.

It's important to note that many of these attacks require physical access to the target system, and some may be mitigated through security measures such as disabling unused USB ports, implementing device whitelisting, and regularly updating system firmware. Additionally, organizations can educate users about the risks associated with plugging in untrusted USB devices.

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