Banking Trojans are a type of malware specifically designed to steal sensitive financial information from individuals and organizations. They often target online banking credentials, credit card details, and other financial data. Here are some notable banking Trojans that have been known to pose significant threats:
1. Zeus (Zbot): Zeus is one of the most infamous banking Trojans and has been around for several years. It is highly sophisticated and has various versions, including Zeus Gameover and Zeus Sphinx. Zeus is capable of keylogging, form grabbing, and creating fake banking web pages to steal login credentials.
2. TrickBot: Initially discovered as a banking Trojan, TrickBot has evolved into a versatile malware that can serve as a delivery mechanism for other malicious payloads. It is known for its modular structure, making it adaptable for various cybercriminal activities.
3. Emotet: While Emotet is primarily known as a versatile malware delivery service, it has often been associated with banking Trojans and other financial crimes. It can deliver payloads like TrickBot and Ryuk ransomware, making it a significant threat.
4. Dridex: Dridex is a banking Trojan that primarily targets Windows users. It is delivered through phishing emails and uses macros in Microsoft Office documents to infect systems. Dridex is known for its ability to steal banking credentials and personal information.
5. Gozi (Ursnif): Gozi, also known as Ursnif, is a banking Trojan that has been active for many years. It uses various techniques like web injection and man-in-the-browser attacks to steal sensitive information. Gozi has been involved in financial fraud and credential theft.
6. Ramnit: Originally a worm, Ramnit has evolved into a banking Trojan that targets Windows platforms. It spreads through infected removable drives and network shares, aiming to steal sensitive information such as banking credentials.
7. URLZone: URLZone is a banking Trojan known for its ability to modify web pages in real-time, redirecting users to malicious sites. It is designed to steal login credentials and other financial information during online banking sessions.
8. Shylock: Shylock is a banking Trojan that has been active since 2011. It uses a combination of techniques, including web injection and keylogging, to compromise online banking sessions and steal sensitive information.
It's important to note that the threat landscape is dynamic, and new banking Trojans may emerge while existing ones evolve. To protect against these threats, users and organizations should practice good cybersecurity hygiene, keep their software up to date, use reputable security solutions, and be cautious of phishing attempts.